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MegaMan X6

Started by Double, April 02, 2006, 01:47:18 PM

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April 02, 2006, 01:47:18 PM Last Edit: May 03, 2008, 01:46:53 PM by Phoenix Magnion
Ah yes MegaMan X6, the greatest MegaMan game ever it is totally flawless.

Gameplay: The Gameplay is perfect in every way, there's no annoying stages, the bosses are challenging, and there aren't annoying people to save that are magically hanging above things that would require you to commit suicide to reach them.
20 out of 20

Music: The music in this game is flawless, nothing could ever be wrong with it.
15 out of 15

Translation: Perfect, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this game's translation. There's no way in hell it could ever get a score of zelo.
10 out of 10

Length: On par with MegaMan VII.
15 out of 15

Rehash Factor: Perfect, all new content, they don't have any random remixes of X2 tracks in Gate's Lab for no apparent reason. They don't reuse tracks from X5 without bothering to remix them. And all the bosses are new, and can't summon dead dudes as an attack.
15 out of 15

Plot: Going against Inafune's intended plot and making one where Zero just magically fixes himself? Brilliant.
10 out of 10

Difficulty: There's absolutely no cheap instant death traps in this game, like a Garbage Crusher, platforms off screen you have to jump on, icicle tetris, or a narrow shaft of spikes you have to dash through to get a Light Capsule upgrade.
15 out of 15

Total: 100/100 = 100 %

Overall this game is perfect in every way.

Postive: This is an April Fool's joke dumbasses.

Negative: I'll have to write a real review tomorrow.

In addition it is harder to write bullshit reviews than real ones.
Posted on: March 31, 2006, 04:30:32 PM
This time I'm serious.

Gameplay: Same basic thing as X5, you can still duck now and all that fanciness. X now gets the ability to use Zero's Saber, but can only do one slash. You can of course find ZELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO and he fights like you would expect. The armors use the same "You must collect all 4 parts" shit from before (although with Gate's first stage it's pretty much a requirement you get them!). You can now collect these P-chips, oh wait I meant Bolt, oh sorry, I really meant Nightmare soul thingies you can use to buy shit. There are also these dudes you are suppose to rescue (and they magically float in the air!) that if you fail to they die and you lose the ability to get their shit, DANGEROUSLY CHEESY! Finally the stages are horribly designed (see difficulty for more details), which gives this game a very low score.
7 out of 20

Music: This about the only somewhat redeeming quality of this game. But even then there are some bad theme, the normal boss theme, and the Scarab's stage come to mind. Overall there's nothing too good to be excited about.
10 out of 15

Translation: God awful. This game has one of the worst translations I have ever seen next only to BN4 and BN5.

Seriously, this is painful, there's also the famous ZELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO line in this one.
1 out of 10

Length: Same basic thing as X6, you can beat the game in 13 stages, or less depending on how you do it.
15 out of 15

Rehash Factor: Gate's lab DOES have a totally randomly used track from X2, the third X-Hunter Stage. Zero's theme from X1 and both of Sigma's first battle themes from X1 and X2 are also remixed. Hunter Vs. Hunter, and Dynamo's themes, are directly copied from X5 without any changes made at all, which is extremely lazy. Storm Eagle, Sting Chameleon, Magna Centipede and Blast Hornet make cameo appearances. And while I normally don't do this, Gate is a blatant rehash of Agahnim.
10 out of 15

Plot: This game wasn't even suppose to exist, the X series was suppose to end at X5. Capcom made this game without telling Inafune, so the results are obviously bad. In addition to having the lamest cliche for Zero's return "Well... I got better!", Isoc is never really explained and Sigma is cheaply tacked on at the end.
4 out of 10

Difficulty: I cannot emphasis this enough, so I'm going to do this one line at a time.
First you have Infinity whateverthefuckheis's stage, aka, Blind Jump Hell, which has some of the most annoying blind jumps ever, that is you have to jump on to platforms below you that you can't see! Metal Sharkplayer's stage, more affectionately known as Metal Pancake Hell, takes the childhood memories of DustMan's stage from MegaMan 4 and rapes them. It is quite possibly the most annoying thing I have ever seen in a video game. Blaze Heatnix's stage, aka, Flaming Donut Hell, features you fighting the same mini-boss, at least 5 times. Including in a vertically rising shaft with purple (WTF?) lava. And to summarize the rest of the maverick stages:
Blizzard Wolfgang: Icicle Tetris Hell
Rainy Turtl... guy: Acid Rain Hell/Horizontal Spike Shaft Hell
Sheild Sheldion: Tedious Laser Hell
Ground Scaravich: Random Hell
Finally, we have the Gate Stages, the first featuring a vertical spike wall, that you pretty much have to use Shadow Armor to get up, or use a tedious method. The second stage having an (near) impossible jump for the Shadow Armor half way through the stage. To top this all off, the bosses are easy to the point of being pathetic. Overall this is just sad.
6 out of 15

Total: 53/100 = 53 %

So very very bad.

Positive: I've been informed by Neon Dipshit, some Vinny guy likes it at least.

Negative: That makes Vinny batshit insane.


You forgot one thing: The Bad Dudes ripoff.



Just try to keep things peaceful.


Not to mention Zero kinda sucks in this game.