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The Type Moon Fan

Started by Neon_Tiger, July 17, 2006, 07:51:39 PM

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July 17, 2006, 07:51:39 PM Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 10:10:48 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
Well given how much of a running gag Type Moon Fan has become, I decided I'd make a topic about the guy for everyone's clarification that can be used if he's mentioned and needs to be explained.

TMF, is a member of the floor I live on at college, and is also a Math Major. He also happens to like some of the MegaMan games, including sadly the BN, and Legends Series. This however is where simliarites to myself end.

TMF is a confessed pervert, and has made it well known he has a very large hentai collection, at least 3 GB he says. So much so he even has become known as the Type Moon weirdo on floor.

In fact, some of his hentai collection was on this board. Double, needed some homosexual hentai images for an April Fool's post in The Macro Thread, and, aquired images from TMF which he had censored, for usage in The Macro Thread, these are the "THIS THREAD IS GAY!" images. I would like to state at this point, TMF finds Mugen largely stupid and has no desire to actually go to any Mugen boards.

Around April 17th, his computer died from massive spyware over dose. It was then, he came to me, for some unknown reason with a request. He requested that I download Melty Blood for him, and split it and then burn it on a few cds. So on the 21st of April I dled said file.

Quote from: #badassSTUFFSession Start: Fri Apr 21 22:31:37 2006
Session Ident: #badassSTUFF
[22:31] * Now talking in #badassSTUFF
[22:31] * Topic is 'http://www.yikers.com/video_loose_truck_wheel_comes_out_of_nowhere_and_breaks_guys_legs.html'
[22:31] * Set by MachinaWeapon on Sat Apr 15 02:50:51
[22:31] * ChanServ sets mode: +o STUFF
[22:31] * STUFF is now known as Neon_Tiger
[22:32] <Neon_Tiger> I just downloaded a 900 MB file in 60 seconds.
[22:32] <Neon_Tiger> Needless to say I find that awesome.
[22:32] <Jesuszilla> HOLY SHIT
[22:32] <Jesuszilla> Where the fuck are you??
[22:32] <Vans> WHAT!?
[22:32] <Jesuszilla> A connection THAT FUCKING FAST?
[22:32] <Neon_Tiger> My College's hub.
[22:32] <Vans> Impossible
[22:33] <Jesuszilla> Holy SHET!
[22:33] <Vans> Indeed.
[22:33] <Neon_Tiger> I think there were like a 1000 some odd seeds.
[22:34] <Jesuszilla> No excuse.
[22:34] <Jesuszilla> Seeds don't make your connection faster.
[22:35] <Vans> Uh, yes they do.
[22:35] <Jesuszilla> Just allows more people to leech from.
[22:35] <Neon_Tiger> Well then my college's connection is on high grade crack.
[22:35] <Jesuszilla> Indeed.
[22:35] <Vans> If you have a 1000 Seeds sending at a little speed you get lightning speeds.
[22:35] <Vans> Depending on your normal speed tough.
[22:35] <Jesuszilla> DUH
[22:35] <Vans> But yeah, that's some really amazing shit.
[22:35] <Jesuszilla> It's not going to exceed your normal connection speed.
[22:36] <Jesuszilla> :|
[22:36] <Neon_Tiger> Hell I can finally download the YTMND soundtrack.
[22:36] <Neon_Tiger> Which should take a half hour for the entire thing if the speed is as good.
[22:36] <Jesuszilla> Either way, 900 MB file in 60 secs? Again, holy SHET!
[22:36] <Vans> I tought you meant Transfer Speeds.
[22:36] <Jesuszilla> No.
[22:36] <Jesuszilla> Connection.
[22:37] <Vans> Adding more and more animations to Ken.
[22:37] <Vans> I don't see any missing frames/anims now, i think i overdid it today. :|
[22:37] <Jesuszilla> Neon, download whatever OS's and pr0n and warez you can while you're this lucky.
[22:38] <Vans> NAruto.
[22:38] <Jesuszilla> NO
[22:38] <Vans> I would. :|
[22:38] <Neon_Tiger> Well I just found out about it, it's been there nearly all year.
[22:38] <Vans> ...Naruto manga? xd
[22:38] <Jesuszilla> A chance like this comes only once in a lifetime.
[22:38] <Neon_Tiger> So it ain't going anywhere.
[22:38] <Jesuszilla> YOU BETTA
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> Wait
[22:39] <Neon_Tiger> But having said that, said 900 MB file was Melty Blood.
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> Yo.... If you had..... One shot..... One opportunity....
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> SPAGHETTI
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> SPAGHETTI
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> SPAGHETTI
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> SPAGHETTI
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> SPAGHETTI
[22:39] <Jesuszilla> 8 MILE
[22:39] <Neon_Tiger> Wow, there's more to the Defective PSP song than is in Guitar Hero.
[22:39] <Neon_Tiger> Which they are making a sequel too.
[22:39] <Neon_Tiger> CURSES
[22:40] <Jesuszilla> Neon: You do know that MB is based on hentai, right?
[22:40] <Jesuszilla> Not sure if the game has any, though.
[22:40] <Vans> On Hentai?
[22:40] <Jesuszilla> Well, the original hentai game did anyway.
[22:40] <Vans> It's based on a Manga. :|
[22:40] <Vans> Well, PC Manga.
[22:40] <MachinaWeapon> JZ: "Nice shirt....does it come in yo size?" :D
[22:41] <Neon_Tiger> MB isn't.
[22:41] <Neon_Tiger> Trust me, there was someone on Campus who wanted to inform me of this. It was weird... to say the least.
[22:41] <Neon_Tiger> Said person has no internet access.
[22:41] <Neon_Tiger> So I downloaded the file for said individual.
[22:42] <Jesuszilla> Poor bastard.'
[22:42] <Jesuszilla> Even [E] has teh interwebs.
[22:43] <MachinaWeapon> So his comp doesn't have high-speed capabilities? Or is he off-campus?
[22:43] <Jesuszilla> Vans: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tsukihime
[22:43] <Vans> Wait....
[22:44] <Vans> What's group 9000?
[22:44] <Vans> HOLY CRAP
[22:44] <Jesuszilla> Portraits.
[22:44] <Neon_Tiger> Doesn't have a computer.
[22:44] <Neon_Tiger> And they kind of frown on using the HUB in the library.
[22:44] <Jesuszilla> OH YES
[22:44] <Jesuszilla> OH FUCK YES
[22:45] <Jesuszilla> That Wikipedia article has Arcueid's name in Kana.
[22:45] <Jesuszilla> You know what that means?
[22:45] <Neon_Tiger> Oh dear.
[22:45] <Vans> ...that i'm awesome?
[22:45] <Neon_Tiger> I can only assume it involves internet searches.
[22:45] <Jesuszilla> Google.
[22:45] <Jesuszilla> Fucking.
[22:45] <Jesuszilla> Images.
[22:45] <Jesuszilla> Searches.... Japanese... Websites....
[22:45] <Jesuszilla> ^___________________________________________________^
[22:46] <Jesuszilla> OOOOOH YEA
[22:46] <Jesuszilla> CENSORED
[22:47] <Neon_Tiger> Time for a bad joke.
[22:47] <Neon_Tiger> Is Arcueid the inverse of Ueid?
[22:47] <Jesuszilla> Aha.
[22:47] <Jesuszilla> Ahah.
[22:47] <Jesuszilla> AHAH.
[22:47] <Jesuszilla> SHUT UP
[22:48] <Jesuszilla> I get it though.
[22:48] <Neon_Tiger> Good, I wasn't in the mood to explain it.

So when he got a new computer, nothing could go wrong? Right? Then something horrible began to happen.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[23:54] <Neon_Tiger> Oh, this has nothing to with anything, but someone from college e-mailed me this.
[23:54] <Neon_Tiger> http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1149971502297.jpg
[23:55] <Neon_Tiger> I don't even get half of it... but you guys might enjoy it.
[23:55] <Jesuszilla> ROFL!
[23:55] <Jesuszilla> I understand all of it.
[23:55] <Jesuszilla> The Gorillaz part made me LMAO
[23:56] <Neon_Tiger> That is curtosey of the person I dled Melty Blood for, whom now has a computer again.
[23:56] <Neon_Tiger> And is enjoying the 60 second dled Melty Blood very much apparently.
[23:57] <Jesuszilla> "Arnold, do you know what a pedophile is?"
[23:57] <Jesuszilla> CLASSIC
[23:58] <Jesuszilla> It's basically about how tons of people fuck them up or "animeize" them.
[23:58] <Jesuszilla> And some even commenting on hentai.
[23:58] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. 1[4 hentai 1])
[23:58] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[23:58] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[23:59] <Jesuszilla> of themselves, that is.
[23:59] <Jesuszilla> Reminds me of that one thread at GameFAGs.
[23:59] <Neon_Tiger> Ah.
[23:59] <Neon_Tiger> But aren't some them already anime characters?
[23:59] <Jesuszilla> Yes, in which case...
Session Time: Sun Jun 11 00:00:00 2006
[00:01] <Jesuszilla> I think some commment on fanfics.
[00:01] <Neon_Tiger> 10 bucks says when I go back in the fall that will be hung on his door.
[00:01] <Jesuszilla> hence the Kim Fabulous ones.
[00:01] <Jesuszilla> That'd be awesome
[00:01] <Jesuszilla> And so damn true
[00:02] <Neon_Tiger> I would not put it past this person...
[00:02] <Jesuszilla> What InuYasha is counting should be obvious.
[00:02] <Jesuszilla> Most likely fanfics or fangirls.
[00:04] <Neon_Tiger> Well it is DBZ for girls as VgCats stated.
[00:04] <Jesuszilla> Indeed.
[00:04] <Neon_Tiger> http://www.vgcats.com/comics/?strip_id=199
[00:05] <Neon_Tiger> Which reminds me I think that comic might be freakily releated.
[00:06] <Jesuszilla> "What're we..?"
[00:06] <Jesuszilla> "It's called a donkey punch, Starfire."
[00:06] <Jesuszilla> HAHAHAHAHA
[00:07] <Jesuszilla> And before you ask... I think Anakin may BE commenting on hentai..
[00:07] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. hentai)
[00:07] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[00:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[00:07] <Jesuszilla> Believe it or not, Star Wars hentai DOES exist. Damn you, 4chan.
[00:07] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. hentai)
[00:07] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[00:07] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[00:08] <Neon_Tiger> That's funny. If the hentai tag didn't get you the 4chan one would have.
[00:08] <Neon_Tiger> How amusing.
[00:08] <Neon_Tiger> You should have been double kicked for that.
[00:08] <Jesuszilla> It works, but it doesn't!

As you can see he started to send me links to an image board, while at first this wasn't that annoying, it started to happen more frequently.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF21:41] <Neon_Tiger> I wonder if they'll rate all those NES games that will be on the virtual console thingy on the Wii.
[21:42] <Fox_McCloud> Neon: SA said that Excitebike was rated "AO" because of the construction mode.
[21:42] <Jesuszilla> Neon: Let me get that SA article.
[21:43] <Jesuszilla> http://www.somethingawful.com/index.php?a=3848
[21:44] <Jesuszilla> ESRB Ratings for NES Games
[21:44] <Neon_Tiger> Amusing, but I was being serious.
[21:44] * Jesuszilla points a gun to Neon_Tiger's head.
[21:44] <Jesuszilla> Just fucking read it.
[21:45] <Neon_Tiger> I did.
[21:45] <Neon_Tiger> It's amusing but I was being serious.
[21:45] <Neon_Tiger> ARE YOU SLOW?
[21:46] <Jesuszilla> You can't read that fast.
[21:46] <Neon_Tiger> Already read it actually.
[21:46] <Jesuszilla> Ah.
[21:46] <Neon_Tiger> Remember that Melty Blood Fan? He sends me weird shit like that.
[21:46] <Jesuszilla> The weirdest part is, he shouldn't HAVE to send it to you.
[21:47] <Jesuszilla> You should've already read it.
[21:47] <Jesuszilla> And the hentai reviews there are fucking hilarious.
[21:47] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. hentai)
[21:47] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[21:47] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[21:48] <Neon_Tiger> That never ceases to be amusing.
[21:49] <Jesuszilla> What? Itself, or the kicking I receive when I say it?
[21:49] <Jesuszilla> Because let's face it: You can't stop the Zilla from saying hentai.
[21:49] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. hentai)
[21:49] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[21:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[21:49] <Neon_Tiger> The auto kick script.
[21:49] <Neon_Tiger> "It is made of teh win."
[21:51] <Jesuszilla> In recent news, Scientologists fuck with YTMND.
[21:51] <Jesuszilla> The result? Well, look at the front page.
[21:51] <Jesuszilla> Free Xenu!
[21:51] <Neon_Tiger> I know, another one of my floormates is a YTMND addict, and also e-mails.
[21:51] <Neon_Tiger> You know come to think of it I live with weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird people.
[21:52] <Jesuszilla> Apartment, I take it?
[21:52] <Jesuszilla> Certainly not a dorm, for you are not in school.
[21:52] <Jesuszilla> Ah, the exciting life you live...
[21:53] <Jesuszilla> Weird-ass classmates and neighbors...
[21:53] <Neon_Tiger> Well, its a special dorm, so various people will be returning there next year.
[21:53] <Neon_Tiger> And those two are some of them.
[21:54] <Jesuszilla> Just to think that soon, you'll be away from those psychos.
[21:54] <Neon_Tiger> Which was the reason I was up for Treasuer earlier remember?
[21:54] <Neon_Tiger> I AM away from them, trimesters FTW.
[21:54] <Neon_Tiger> But that doesn't stop them from e-mailing me weird shit.
[21:54] <Jesuszilla> Ahaha.
[21:55] <Neon_Tiger> I mean seriously WTF -> http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1150257597393.jpg
[21:55] <Jesuszilla> LOL
[21:55] <Jesuszilla> I need to check that site out now.
[21:56] <Jesuszilla> Something tells me he posts there.
[21:56] <Jesuszilla> For there is a Hisui and Kohaku thread.
[21:56] <Neon_Tiger> I think it's a Type-Moon board.
[21:57] * Jesuszilla looks up.
[21:57] <Jesuszilla> No wonder.
[21:58] <Neon_Tiger> I shall return in roughly one hour.
[21:58] <Neon_Tiger> Depending on whether or not I have a bagel.
[21:58] <Neon_Tiger> Bagels < Festivus, however.
[21:59] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed Jun 14 21:59:06 2006


Quote from: #badassSTUFFSession Start: Thu Jun 15 22:06:45 2006
Session Ident: #badassSTUFF
[22:06] * Now talking in #badassSTUFF
[22:06] * Topic is '.\/. http://trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php?topic=169.msg588#new | [14:35] <Ya-San> wow, this is dead.'
[22:06] * Set by Ya-San on Thu Jun 15 15:36:15
[22:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Neon_Tiger
[22:08] <Neon_Tiger> Hey,
[22:27] <Jesuszilla> REHT'S GO, BUTT-HEEEEEEEE!!!!!
[22:29] <Neon_Tiger> ...
[22:29] <Jesuszilla> I SERIOUSLY need to find what that's from.
[22:30] <Jesuszilla> I think it's Terry, though I've never heard him say it in KoF or Fatal Fury.
[22:30] <Jesuszilla> The 2D ones, anyway.
[22:31] <Neon_Tiger> And on the random e-mail front, this is what I get for sending the guy the Rolento smiley apparently: http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1150416507859.jpg
[22:31] <Jesuszilla> I dare ya to send him that PS edit I made.
[22:31] <Neon_Tiger> PS edit?
[22:32] <Jesuszilla> The one in the GA section.
[22:32] <Neon_Tiger> Oh... no.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[00:01] <Fox_McCloud> I wonder if Ken got his Masters'...
[00:01] <Fox_McCloud> *rimshot*
[00:02] <Neon_Tiger> That pun was bad.
[00:02] <Neon_Tiger> I mean "What a polite young man she was!" bad.
[00:03] <Ya-San|Busy> Lol.
[00:03] <Ya-San|Busy> My KOFXI torrent had porn instead of KOF
[00:03] <Ya-San|Busy> Forgot to check files it had insed.
[00:04] <Ya-San|Busy> *inside
[00:04] <Neon_Tiger> That's what you get for using torrent.
[00:04] <Ya-San|Busy> TORRENT IS THE SHIT
[00:05] <Neon_Tiger> Meh, my college's hub is far superior.
[00:05] <Ya-San|Busy> Mininova is starting to be gay.
[00:05] <Ya-San|Busy> I need a new torrent site
[00:05] <Neon_Tiger> And you can tell what it is before you download it.
[00:05] <Neon_Tiger> Good times.
[00:07] <Ya-San|Busy> >_<
[00:07] <Jesuszilla> Vans: I just use Google for all my torrents.
[00:07] <Jesuszilla> =P
[00:07] <Jesuszilla> Because most torrent sites are gay anyway.
[00:08] <Jesuszilla> And I don't get what FUZN said.
[00:08] <Neon_Tiger> I wish I could block this guy: http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1150914648631.gif
[00:08] <Jesuszilla> LOL
[00:09] <Neon_Tiger> Kens last name is Masters.
[00:09] <Jesuszilla> Len!
[00:09] <Jesuszilla> Neon: I know.
[00:09] <Jesuszilla> I still don't get it.
[00:09] <Neon_Tiger> A Masters is a type of degree you can get in college.
[00:10] <Jesuszilla> I know, but still, that had nothing to do with the topic.
[00:10] <Jesuszilla> Therefore I was not able to get it.
[00:10] <Neon_Tiger> Well it was the joke, it was a pun.
[00:10] <Neon_Tiger> And a very bad one at that.
[00:10] <Jesuszilla> I was about to say that.
[00:11] <Jesuszilla> It's about as bad as my screenname.
[00:11] <Neon_Tiger> But then again, is there really a good pun?
[00:11] <Ya-San|Busy> Neon just pasted a Chiyochan link...
[00:11] <Jesuszilla> I'm going to admit it, I STOLE MY SCREENNAME
[00:11] <Neon_Tiger> A floormate keeps sending me them Vans,
[00:11] <Neon_Tiger> It is annoying.
[00:11] <Jesuszilla> However, this is the screenname that made me (in)famous, so I decided to keep it.
[00:12] <Ya-San|Busy> lolerblade
[00:12] <Neon_Tiger> If it weren't for the fact this guy also happens to be the head of a committee on floor, I would have blocked him.
[00:13] <Jesuszilla> IF you ever need me to give him a dose of /b/, let me know.
[00:13] <Jesuszilla> I can weird this guy the FUCK OUT.
[00:13] <Neon_Tiger> Dude, the guy plays Type Moon games.
[00:13] <Neon_Tiger> I don't think that will work.
[00:13] <Jesuszilla> And the fact that I'm a minor REALLY helps there.
[00:13] <Jesuszilla> Neon, I was a mod at 6chan.
[00:13] <Neon_Tiger> There was a 6chan?
[00:13] <Ya-San|Busy> JZ: BUGFACE
[00:14] <Jesuszilla> Neon: Yes.
[00:14] <Jesuszilla> There still is.
[00:14] <Jesuszilla> http://www.6channel.org
[00:14] <Neon_Tiger> The Vega video made him say WTF, so I think Random Humor is more effective.
[00:15] <Jesuszilla> The Vega video was actually pretty random.
[00:15] <Jesuszilla> That gives me an idea
[00:15] <Jesuszilla> VANS
[00:15] <Neon_Tiger> I know, so only random things seem to do the trick.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[15:09] <Jesuszilla> http://img365.imageshack.us/img365/8625/nightmare2bg.gif
[15:09] <Jesuszilla> 0____0
[15:09] <Neon_Tiger> ...
[15:10] <Neon_Tiger> You're starting to remind me of the TM guy.
[15:10] <Jesuszilla> I'm weirder than he, trust me.
[15:10] <Neon_Tiger> Which on the subject of: http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1151078021467.jpg
[15:11] <Neon_Tiger> I'd like to know why he keeps sending me things I know nothing about...
[15:12] <Jesuszilla> STAY ON TARGET
[15:14] <Jesuszilla> Okay, I am going what the fuck.
[15:14] <Jesuszilla> That's hard to do.
[15:14] <Neon_Tiger> There's actually more of those too...
[15:15] <Jesuszilla> o-o
[15:16] <Neon_Tiger> It's like a series and he keeps sending them to me.
[15:16] <Jesuszilla> ...
[15:16] <Jesuszilla> I feel sorry foor you.
[15:17] <Neon_Tiger> I fell sorry foor me too.
[15:17] <Neon_Tiger> *fell
[15:17] <Jesuszilla> *for
[15:17] <Jesuszilla> You said fell.
[15:18] <Jesuszilla> HEY DUMBASS
[15:18] <Neon_Tiger> *feel
[15:18] <Jesuszilla> There we go.
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:19] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:20] <Jesuszilla> HEY
[15:20] <Jesuszilla> YO
[15:20] <Neon_Tiger> .\/.
[15:21] <Jesuszilla> VEEEEE!
[15:22] <Neon_Tiger> What I want to know is how a Type Moon fan can be elected to maintain fund raising...
[15:22] <Neon_Tiger> I mean seriously, nothing good can come of that.
[15:22] <Jesuszilla> . . .
[15:22] <Jesuszilla> Ahah
[15:22] <Jesuszilla> AHAHAHAHAHA
[15:22] <Jesuszilla> YOU GOT OWNED!!!
[15:23] <Neon_Tiger> And furthermore electing a communist for Public Relations...
[15:23] <Neon_Tiger> Should have been the other way around.
[15:24] <Jesuszilla> ha..... hahahahaha.
[15:24] <Neon_Tiger> So now I have to make us have a good image to everyone else...
[15:24] <Neon_Tiger> And a TYPE MOON PERVERT is not going to help the situation!
[15:25] <Jesuszilla> Tell him Zilla said /r/ Arcueid hentai plz kthx.
[15:25] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. hentai)
[15:25] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[15:25] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[15:25] <Neon_Tiger> Hence I hope we have sane freshmen.
[15:25] <Neon_Tiger> But I digress,

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[01:28] <Neon_Tiger> Told you there more: http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1150730364919.jpg
[01:29] <Jesuszilla> I think it's time for the heavy artillery
[01:29] <Jesuszilla> I think I just saw a shitting dicknipples thread here somewhere...
[01:29] <Neon_Tiger> I gave up on him really, he won.
[01:30] <Neon_Tiger> I'll just keep record of all these e-mails, print them out and line the halls with them.
[01:30] <Neon_Tiger> And I mean ALL OF THEM.
[01:32] <Jesuszilla> Hara-kiri thread.
[01:32] <Jesuszilla> Neon: Do that.
[01:32] <Neon_Tiger> I plan on it.
[01:33] <Neon_Tiger> I'll even print out all the frames of that dancing blue haired... THING.
[01:33] <Jesuszilla> Blue haired... Thing?
[01:33] <Jesuszilla> YOu mean Len?
[01:34] <Neon_Tiger> Is that what they call it?
[01:34] <Jesuszilla> That girl you showed me dancing?
[01:34] <Jesuszilla> Yeah.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[23:30] <Neon_Tiger> Guess who: http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1151078153961.jpg
[23:31] <Jesuszilla> Seriously
[23:31] <Jesuszilla> Counterattack with the Doug pic
[23:31] <Neon_Tiger> Every time I counter attacked thus far he recounter attacks and it is FAR worse.
[23:31] <Neon_Tiger> So I'm just making a record of this shit at the point.
[23:32] <Neon_Tiger> After posting it on the walls I will laugh like this:
[23:32] <Jesuszilla> LOL

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[00:11] <Neon_Tiger> He was late today: http://www.chiyochan.net/fate/src/1151078350514.jpg
[00:12] <Jesuszilla> I'm not even going to bother reading that shit.
[00:12] <Neon_Tiger> Neither do I.
[00:17] <Neon_Tiger> Indeed it is.
[00:17] <Neon_Tiger> But why do I know crazies offline then too?

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[00:40] <Neon_Tiger> THAT BASTARD, he made up for being late with multiple e-mails...
[00:40] <Neon_Tiger> CURSES


July 17, 2006, 07:56:56 PM #2 Last Edit: July 17, 2006, 08:03:41 PM by Cigarette Smoking Man
Quote from: #badassSTUFF[00:45] <Neon_Tiger> Maybe if I showed a MUGEN video with a Type Moon character his brain would overload and he'd go into a coma...
[00:45] <Jesuszilla> So did I.
[00:45] <Jesuszilla> The Sakazakidojang music.
[00:45] <Ya-San> I'm not talking about this one though.
[00:45] <Ya-San> Heh.
[00:46] <Ya-San> Mine rules even more. >:)
[00:46] <Jesuszilla> Neon: I have just the video.
[00:46] <Ya-San> And it's not even a famous track!
[00:46] <Jesuszilla> Hold on one sec, though...
[00:47] <Jesuszilla> http://youtube.com/watch?v=VX76kWXHBtA&search=mugen
[00:47] <Ya-San> If i could record a video with that track i would, but i have nothing to record.
[00:47] <Jesuszilla> And the first battle just HAPPENS to have Shiki.
[00:47] <Jesuszilla> And the next with Arcueid.
[00:47] <Ya-San> Is it the Mugen Trailer video?
[00:48] <Ya-San> Because that video ROCKS
[00:48] <Ya-San> It is.
[00:48] <Jesuszilla> Indeed.
[00:48] <Jesuszilla> DAMMIT
[00:48] <Jesuszilla> I STILL WANT THAT TRAIN STAGE!!!!
[00:48] <Ya-San> I was reading how to add shake controllers to stages.
[00:48] <Neon_Tiger> That should do it...
[00:48] <Jesuszilla> IT'S TORTURE THAT I DO NOT KNOW WHAT IT IS!!!
[00:49] <Ya-San> It's very interesting.
[00:49] <Neon_Tiger> But what if this just encourages him...
[00:49] <Ya-San> LOL REQUEST
[00:49] <Ya-San> Dudes..
[00:49] <Ya-San> I know what is the ultimate wtf experience.
[00:49] <Ya-San> I know what it is.
[00:49] <Jesuszilla> You do?
[00:50] <Ya-San> It goes beyond anything you've ever imagined.
[00:50] <Jesuszilla> YOU KNOW WHAT THE TRAIN STAGE IS?!?!?!
[00:50] <Neon_Tiger> I'd still like to know WHY he started sending me all this shit.
[00:50] <Ya-San> Even bugface.
[00:50] <Ya-San> Train stage? no.
[00:50] <Jesuszilla> Neon: He takes you for a TM fan.
[00:50] <Ya-San> Anyhow..
[00:50] <Ya-San> I have it, the ultimate wtf experience.
[00:50] <Jesuszilla> This reminds me of the time I made friends with the owner of 6chan, Narunet.
[00:50] <Neon_Tiger> But I already told him to stop and that was not into such things!
[00:51] <Neon_Tiger> And the dudes in head of fund raising, he's going to blow the budget on Type Moon merchandise...
[00:51] <Ya-San> WHAT?!
[00:52] <Neon_Tiger> If that happens we'd have to kill him.
[00:52] <Jesuszilla> Anyway, go on Vans.
[00:52] <Neon_Tiger> I mean force him to play BN4 for several days straight.
[00:52] <Ya-San> I have it, and it's a WAV file.
[00:52] <Neon_Tiger> Without the ability to skip cut scenes.
[00:53] <Ya-San> It's the worst thing i've ever heard.
[00:53] <Ya-San> You guys want it?
[00:53] <Jesuszilla> Yes.
[00:53] <Neon_Tiger> No thanks,
[00:53] <Neon_Tiger> I don't care if he's in charge of fund raising,
[00:53] <Neon_Tiger> I'm just going to....
[00:53] <Neon_Tiger> BLOCK.
[00:53] <Jesuszilla> Just block.
[00:54] <Neon_Tiger> Indeed.
[00:54] <Ya-San> Let me up it.
[00:54] <Neon_Tiger> And I'll raise a vote of no confidence at the start of next year, and try to get him removed from his position.
[00:54] <Ya-San> Beware though.
[00:55] <Ya-San> It could screw your mind.
[00:55] <Jesuszilla> k
[00:55] <Ya-San> http://rapidshare.de/files/24333742/060606.rar.html
[00:55] <Jesuszilla> Neon: The pics should be more than enough evidence.
[00:55] <Neon_Tiger> Indeed.
[00:56] <Neon_Tiger> You know what I bet it's because I downloaded Melty Blood for him.
[00:56] <Neon_Tiger> Remind me to never download anything for anyone.
[00:56] <Neon_Tiger> Especially if it's releated to Type Moon.
[00:57] <Jesuszilla> Neon
[00:57] <Jesuszilla> I just said that.
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> Because you DL'd MB for him, he takes you for a fan of it.
[00:58] <Neon_Tiger> He asked it as a favor for his computer was broke.
[00:58] <Neon_Tiger> So I dled it split it and burned it on a few cds.
[00:58] <Ya-San> Is your mind screwed up?
[00:58] <Ya-San> Did it work?
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> The Smurf theme?
[00:58] <Jesuszilla> What the fuck?
[00:59] <Jesuszilla> I'm laughing at the randomness of it though
[01:00] <Jesuszilla> ... I think that just normalized me.
[01:00] <Jesuszilla> That was too random for me to handle.
[01:01] <Jesuszilla> Then there's the REAL Satan speaking...
[01:01] <Jesuszilla> http://whattheshit.ytmnd.com
[01:03] <Ya-San> Bugface?
[01:03] <Jesuszilla> No.
[01:03] <Ya-San> Morphing faces anything? no?
[01:03] <Jesuszilla> It's... Luigi...
[01:03] <Jesuszilla> No morphing faces, no creepy shit.
[01:03] <Neon_Tiger> k
[01:04] <Ya-San> The fuck?
[01:04] <Neon_Tiger> http://trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php?topic=16.msg708#msg708
[01:04] <Jesuszilla> Satan is emo.
[01:04] <Jesuszilla> Did you email that to him or suttin?
[01:05] <Neon_Tiger> No, he is just blocked.
[01:05] <Neon_Tiger> But it needed to be said.
[01:05] <Neon_Tiger> Time to add intros of doom to ALL the Melty Blood characters.
[01:05] <Ya-San> Okay you guys?
[01:05] <Ya-San> http://www.compfused.com/directlink/1256/
[01:06] <Jesuszilla> You're free to use my code and the giant pepsi.
[01:06] <Jesuszilla> Besides, most MB characters are cheap and deserve it anyway.
[01:07] <Jesuszilla> I watched that shit expecting something randomly hilarious to happen.
[01:07] <Jesuszilla> And nothing.
[01:07] <Jesuszilla> Fuck you, Vans.
[01:08] <Ya-San> Seriously, Neon.
[01:08] <Ya-San> Between the shit you both have sended to each other you would REALLY freak him out with that one.
[01:09] <Jesuszilla> Indeed, it would be pretty random... And unexpected.
[01:09] <Neon_Tiger> I am done.
[01:09] <Neon_Tiger> I shall simple exact my revenge on all Type Moon Mugen characters.
[01:09] <Neon_Tiger> EVERY
[01:09] <Neon_Tiger> LAST
[01:09] <Neon_Tiger> ONE
[01:09] <Jesuszilla> So use a var for it.
[01:10] <Jesuszilla> That way you won't have to add a name trigger to everything.
[01:10] <Ya-San> A sticky on the spam topic?
[01:10] <Ya-San> Yay or nay?
[01:10] <Neon_Tiger> Sure.
[01:10] <Ya-San> Done.
[01:12] <Jesuszilla> http://nbt.ytmnsfw.com/
[01:13] <Ya-San> *clicks*
[01:14] <Ya-San> 3 more years and i won't have to fake my age to see that shit.
[01:14] <Jesuszilla> lol, his face
[01:14] <Ya-San> !!!
[01:14] <Neon_Tiger> ...
[01:14] <Jesuszilla> Vans: Indeed.
[01:14] <Neon_Tiger> Shit my birthday is Sunday.
[01:14] <Ya-San> BUGFACE?!
[01:14] <Ya-San> MORPH?!
[01:14] <Jesuszilla> No.
[01:14] <Jesuszilla> Neon: Crappy birthday.
[01:14] <Ya-San> what?
[01:14] <Ya-San> Sunday? Cool
[01:14] <Neon_Tiger> I like cake, cake is good.
[01:14] <Ya-San> We need a birthday cake.
[01:15] <Ya-San> JZ: I see nothing but...ehm black.
[01:16] <Jesuszilla> Vans: Wait for the image to load.
[01:16] <Jesuszilla> Refresh if that's what it takes.
[01:16] <Ya-San> LOL
[01:16] <Jesuszilla> His face... LOL
[01:18] <Ya-San> Anyway, as much asi hate it i need to work and it's getting late.
[01:19] <Ya-San> So be it if it means i will get a beautiful brand new Athlon 64 x2
[01:19] <Neon_Tiger> FWHAHAHAHA, it's amazing what you can find on old CDS...
[01:20] <Ya-San> Anyhow.
[01:20] * Ya-San has quit IRC (Quit: Catalogues, and mIRC's BEEPS are driving me INSANE)
[01:20] <Jesuszilla> Neon: Like?
[01:21] <Neon_Tiger> You shall see in a moment.
[01:22] <Neon_Tiger> Let's just say I use to back up my chars folder every now and then.
[01:22] <Jesuszilla> o_o
[01:23] <Neon_Tiger> I've got a pretty good head start...
[01:23] <Jesuszilla> ...
[01:24] <Jesuszilla> Are you okay Neon?
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "CIEL(ELEICIA)"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "SUMI"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "Ciel"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "Shiroto"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "Akaitsuki"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "Shiroto"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "Akiha"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "tukemon"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Name         = "Arcueid Brunestud"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Author       = "Chotto-Komaru"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "CIEL"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "TENE"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "G-akiha"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "Drowin"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Name ="Hisui"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Author ="‡H"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "Hisui&Kohaku"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "R-R"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "Miyako Arima"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "JUKE Kisaragi"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "Kohaku By Toshi"       
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "Toshi"       
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Name ="Kohaku"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Author ="‡H"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Name         = "Mech-HISUI"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Author       = "kuro"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "MI_YA_KO"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "ALICE"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Name = "Satsuki_Yumiduka"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Author = "‡H"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Name         = "Sion Eltnam Atlasia"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Author       = "Shiroto"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Name         = "Sion Eltnam Atlasia [Vampire]"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> Author       = "Chotto-Komaru"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "warakia"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "MEKA"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> name = "WARCUEID"
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> author = "SUMI"
[01:25] <Jesuszilla> Ahah. AHAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAAH!
[01:25] <Neon_Tiger> That just leaves the Shiki's and that weird Nero guy...
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> Say Neon, isn't there a whole fucking database on MUGEN characters in a .txt file?
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> I've seen it before somewhere....
[01:26] <Neon_Tiger> It list character file folders, not name and author.
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> I'm pretty sure it lists those...
[01:26] <Jesuszilla> But I remember an author that created nothing BUT MB characters.
[01:27] <Jesuszilla> Tomo I think it was.
[01:27] <Neon_Tiger> I'll make sure to add author = "Tomo" as a trigger.
[01:27] <Jesuszilla> Also, ask Byakko. He's into that TM shit.
[01:27] <Neon_Tiger> NO.
[01:27] <Jesuszilla> ...
[01:27] <Jesuszilla> Dude, Byakko isn't like that.
[01:28] <Jesuszilla> He's actually SANE.
[01:28] <Jesuszilla> Orochi Herman has also had bad experiences with MB characters.
[01:29] <Neon_Tiger> Then we should form an alliance TO DESTROY TYPE MOON.
[01:29] <Jesuszilla> . . .
[01:29] <Jesuszilla> Any hentai? (of Arcueid)?
[01:29] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. hentai)
[01:29] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[01:29] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[01:30] <Neon_Tiger> NOT ANY YOU WOULD LIKE.
[01:30] <Jesuszilla> Because it's tough to find Arcueid.
[01:30] <Jesuszilla> And Kohaku.
[01:31] <Neon_Tiger> It should stay that way.
[01:31] <Neon_Tiger> I should quote of the day part of this.
[01:32] <Jesuszilla> o_o
[01:33] <Neon_Tiger> http://trinitymugen.net/forum/index.php?topic=4.msg711#msg711
[01:34] <Jesuszilla> shoop da whoop
[01:34] <Neon_Tiger> Shoop da whoop?
[01:35] <Jesuszilla> http://img467.imageshack.us/img467/6583/11514724834234ox.jpg
[01:36] <Neon_Tiger> ...
[01:36] <Neon_Tiger> ... k ...
[01:38] <Jesuszilla> http://www.myspace.com/ripmitchell
[01:38] <Jesuszilla> Hahaha
[01:38] <Jesuszilla> Killed himself on 4:20
[01:39] <Neon_Tiger> Was he high?
[01:39] <Jesuszilla> Ni
[01:39] <Jesuszilla> *No
[01:39] <Jesuszilla> That was the date
[01:40] <Jesuszilla> And THAT'S the dude they keep posting in /b/
[01:40] <Neon_Tiger> I should have the Rolento Smiley show up in my version of the intro of doom and use eye beams.
[01:41] <Jesuszilla> He was an hero
[01:41] <Jesuszilla> AHAHAHAAHHAHA
[01:41] <Neon_Tiger> Prefereablly with the text "ROLENTO DENIES!"
[01:41] <Jesuszilla> And they think he's in heaven! And he killed himself!
[01:41] <Jesuszilla> What dipshits these morons are!
[01:42] <Neon_Tiger> Or maybe have them get run over by the Doom Train...
[01:43] <Neon_Tiger> Or I could have ToadMan show up...
[01:43] <Neon_Tiger> ToadMan makes the most sense really...
[01:43] <Jesuszilla> No
[01:43] <Jesuszilla> This should be something new.
[01:43] <Jesuszilla> And totally unexpected and random.
[01:44] <Neon_Tiger> Then a NEW ToadMan instant kill move.
[01:44] <Jesuszilla> Maybe a bomb that causes them to go in a custom anim that's a black spot.
[01:44] <Neon_Tiger> NO ONE would expect be to do that, because it's so stupid!
[01:45] <Neon_Tiger> It could also be a promo for later versions of ToadMan...
[01:46] <Jesuszilla> ...
[01:46] <Neon_Tiger> I shall call it...
[01:46] <Neon_Tiger> MARKET CRASH
[01:46] <Jesuszilla> LOL
[01:46] <Jesuszilla> Wait
[01:47] <Jesuszilla> Maybe something involving...
[01:47] <Jesuszilla> Green Biker Dude
[01:47] <Neon_Tiger> That could work too,
[01:47] <Neon_Tiger> Well I should go to bed, I'll take a few Nyquil's and have more ideas in the morning.

Sometime after this he got a new e-mail account at Yahoo, and proceeded to e-mail me apologizing, but the damage had been done. He sent me some math jokes, and later things to use to scar Jesuszilla.

Quote from: #badassSTUFFSession Start: Wed Jun 28 23:06:30 2006
Session Ident: #badassSTUFF
[23:06] * Now talking in #badassSTUFF
[23:06] * Topic is 'WHEN THERE'S TROUBLE YOU CALL DW!'
[23:06] * Set by Zilla|Teh-Emo on Wed Jun 28 22:23:18
[23:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Neon_Tiger
[23:06] <Jesuszilla> Are you sane again?
[23:06] <Neon_Tiger> KILL TYPE MOON
[23:06] <Neon_Tiger> Oh, hey.
[23:07] <Ya-San> HEy
[23:07] <Neon_Tiger> I got a better idea from a conversation earlier.
[23:07] <Ya-San> GODDAMMIT
[23:07] <Neon_Tiger> I mentioned that this time I would be PUTTING MY FOOT DOWN on this Type Moon matter.
[23:07] <Jesuszilla> ...
[23:07] <Jesuszilla> what
[23:08] <Jesuszilla> What do you mean?
[23:08] <Neon_Tiger> http://www.geocities.com/samohod/mpslo/pix/foot.jpg
[23:09] <Jesuszilla> Giant Pepsi of Doom ripoff
[23:10] <Jesuszilla> And I told you he went insane, Vans.
[23:10] <Ya-San> I can see now.
[23:11] <Jesuszilla> I can never spank it to Arcueid again without recalling this incident...

[23:21] <Neon_Tiger> Good times.
[23:21] <Ya-San> Man i suck at it.
[23:22] <Ya-San> Neon: You are going insane. :|


Quote from: #badassSTUFF[23:27] * Kung_Fu_Man has joined #badassstuff
[23:27] <Kung_Fu_Man> Okay, what the heck was that about with the "Push" bit Jesus? :P
[23:28] <Jesuszilla> Push it to the limit!
[23:28] <Jesuszilla> Walk along the razor's edge!
[23:28] <Jesuszilla> Don't look down just keep your head till you can FEEL IT!
[23:28] <Kung_Fu_Man> Having one of those nights eh?
[23:28] <Neon_Tiger> KILL TYPE MOON
[23:28] <Jesuszilla> What? It's the best tune in Scarface!
[23:28] <Neon_Tiger> Oh, hey.
[23:30] <Kung_Fu_Man> Hey Neon.
[23:30] <Ya-San> Man, i only have 75 MB space left...there was a program that told me what occupied mos of it..
[23:30] <Jesuszilla> O_O
[23:30] <Jesuszilla> Which was?
[23:30] <Ya-San> Dunno..
[23:30] <Ya-San> It had an icon with a tree though.
[23:31] <Neon_Tiger> Sounds evil.
[23:31] <Kung_Fu_Man> You can use Disk Cleanup for that too.
[23:31] <Jesuszilla> I mean what occupied the most space?
[23:31] <Jesuszilla> And trees are indeed evil.
[23:31] <Neon_Tiger> Case in point: Captain Planet
[23:31] <Jesuszilla> You mean Zero 4?
[23:31] <Ya-San> I don't know what IS that big.
[23:31] <Neon_Tiger> That too.
[23:31] <Ya-San> Disk Cleanup?
[23:32] <Jesuszilla> ...
[23:33] <Ya-San> lifebar "final force"? the fuck is that? o_O
[23:33] <Neon_Tiger> Hey, I'm the one doing the manical laughing as of late.
[23:33] <Jesuszilla> Final Force?
[23:33] <Jesuszilla> tf?
[23:33] <Jesuszilla> Neon: We know you've gone insane.
[23:33] <Neon_Tiger> And I think I'll go with MARKET CRASH over the Monty Python foot.
[23:33] <Jesuszilla> Good.
[23:34] <Jesuszilla> Because MP foot would be a PEPSI OF DOOM ripoff.
[23:34] <Neon_Tiger> As much fun as would be to use random Monty Python quotes.
[23:34] <Ya-San> Where did i get all this shit?
[23:34] <Neon_Tiger> THE LARCH
[23:34] <Ya-San> Software - Digital Astro 2000.rar
[23:34] <Ya-San> I SWEAR that's not mine. :|
[23:34] <Kung_Fu_Man> Vans, that's what you get for checking out so many porn sites.
[23:35] <Jesuszilla> Which is why we stick to hentai. IT'S LESS DANGEROUS!
[23:35] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. 1[4 hentai 1])
[23:35] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[23:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[23:35] <Neon_Tiger> I love that auto kick script.
[23:35] <Neon_Tiger> Hey I should add Type Moon, and whatnot.
[23:35] <Ya-San> saturn-ssf2tnc-ken.smv.zip
[23:36] <Ya-San> Quake_I_FULL_(Quake1-Patch-works_on_WinXP)_12-05-2005.by.Q.rar
[23:36] <Ya-San> my god.
[23:36] <Ya-San> And that's all in the root.
[23:36] <Kung_Fu_Man> Why the hatred for Type Moon?
[23:36] <Neon_Tiger> It's a long story.
[23:37] <Ya-San> NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe
[23:37] <Neon_Tiger> Jesus, you tell him so I can go back to plotting.
[23:37] <Neon_Tiger> FWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[23:37] <Kung_Fu_Man> Okay, in my absence Neon_Tiger has evolved to Rolento 2.0
[23:37] <Ya-San> LivePreviewOff.reg
[23:38] <Ya-San> Capcom vs SNK - Millenium fight 2000.7z
[23:38] <Neon_Tiger> You have a lot of shit on your computer.
[23:38] <Ya-San> All 20 Popcap Deluxe Games  Keys  Easy Install; Alchemy, Astropop, Atomica, Bejeweled 1 & 2, Big Money, Bookworm, Chuzzle, Dynomite, Heavy Weapon.rar
[23:38] <Jesuszilla> Let's just say a while back, he downloaded Melty Blood for a Type Moon fan.
[23:38] <Ya-San> Dude, i didn't download that..
[23:38] <Kung_Fu_Man> Jesus: Gather he hated the game?
[23:38] <Jesuszilla> Afterwards, he kept e-mailing Neon with tons of links from Chiyo-chan.
[23:38] <Kung_Fu_Man> Vans: Password protect your comp.
[23:39] <Ya-San> It IS
[23:39] <Kung_Fu_Man> Well then look at less porn.
[23:39] <Jesuszilla> I'd run a spyware check if I were you.
[23:39] <Ya-San> Maybe i shouldn't have showed my uncles how to hack windows with Knoppix...
[23:39] <Jesuszilla> Anyway, KFM, chiyochan has a Type Moon board and is basically a "clean" 4chan.
[23:39] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. 4chan)
[23:39] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[23:39] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[23:39] <Jesuszilla> No hentai, no nothin'.
[23:39] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (NO. 4chan)
[23:39] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[23:39] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[23:39] <Jesuszilla> So it fails.
[23:40] <Jesuszilla> But anyway, he just kept e-mailing Neon links to the point to where he went insane.
[23:41] <Kung_Fu_Man> Figures.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Name = "Len"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Author = "‡H"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> name = "White_Len"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> author = "Juke Kisaragi"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Name         = "Shiki_Nanaya"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Author       = "Ibukah"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Name         = "Nanaya_Shiki"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Author       = "K-K"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Name         = "Shiki_Tohno"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Author       = "Ibukah"
[23:48] <Neon_Tiger> Progress is good.
[23:48] <Ya-San> you really are insane
[23:48] <Jesuszilla> H made a Len?
[23:49] <Neon_Tiger> No it's some weird symbol that doesn't work in IRC.
[23:49] <Kung_Fu_Man> I think I know whose that is.
[23:50] <Kung_Fu_Man> Probably 9's.
[23:50] <Neon_Tiger> Regardless,
[23:50] <Neon_Tiger> THEY'RE ALL GONNA DIE
[23:50] <Kung_Fu_Man> ...just because they chose to make characters from Melty Blood? o_O
[23:50] <Neon_Tiger> ESPECIALLY LEN

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[02:07] <Neon_Tiger> I fucking hate Type Moon.
[02:07] <MachinaWeapon> Type Moon?
[02:07] * MachinaWeapon was kicked by Neon_Tiger (Oopsie you said something you shouldn't have. Ban will be automatically removed in 2 minutes. Type Moon)
[02:07] * Neon_Tiger sets mode: +b *!*@b98ac602.nwrknj.east.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk
[02:07] <Jesuszilla> . . .
[02:07] * Neon_Tiger sets mode: -b *!*@b98ac602.nwrknj.east.36f5c1fe.net.hmsk
[02:08] * MachinaWeapon has joined #badassstuff
[02:08] -> *MachinaWeapon* Ban removed.
[02:08] * ChanServ sets mode: +o MachinaWeapon
[02:08] <MachinaWeapon> ...
[02:08] <Jesuszilla> Yeah...
[02:08] <Jesuszilla> It drove him to insanity, Mach...
[02:08] <Neon_Tiger> That word filter needs some tweaking.
[02:08] <MachinaWeapon> What the hell IS IT.
[02:08] <Jesuszilla> MB
[02:08] <Jesuszilla> M.e.l.t.y. B.l.o.o.d.
[02:08] <Jesuszilla> Or what it's based off of.
[02:09] <MachinaWeapon> Ick.
[02:09] <Jesuszilla> Blame the TM fan.
[02:09] <MachinaWeapon> I'll pass on any more details.
[02:09] <Jesuszilla> He kept sending Neon these ANNOYING e-mails with links to images on chiyochan, a Type Moon board.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[01:29] <Neon_Tiger> KILL ALL TYPE MOON RELATED CHARACTERS
[01:29] <Ya-San|Busy> LOL
[01:32] <Neon_Tiger> Especially that Len one.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[20:08] <Neon_Tiger> Well then, I think the board needs a new purpose then.
[20:08] <Neon_Tiger> I nominate hatrage of Type Moon. *shot*
[20:08] <Ya-San> LOL
[20:10] <Neon_Tiger> Oh, speaking of which, I decided Jesuszilla needed a better dosage of pain if he decides to be too weird again.
[20:10] <Neon_Tiger> So I contacted the Type Moon pervert and asked for his help,
[20:10] <Ya-San> LOL
[20:10] <Neon_Tiger> And he dug up this for us: http://www.wakachan.org/os/src/1152960894027.jpg
[20:11] <Ya-San> Hahahaha that's killer
[20:12] <Neon_Tiger> Indeed, I'll be uploading that to my server later today.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[00:18] <Jesuszilla> NEON!
[00:19] <Jesuszilla> WE WIN
[00:19] <Jesuszilla> http://fourchanbedead.ytmnd.com/
[00:19] <Jesuszilla> WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
[00:19] <Ya-San|Away> I enter school in Monday. ; ;
[00:19] <Neon_Tiger> That saved you THAT Jesuszilla.
[00:19] <Neon_Tiger> Oh, have fun in school.
[00:19] <Jesuszilla> Neon... This is the happiest day of my life.
[00:19] <Ya-San|Away> what?
[00:20] <Jesuszilla> http://fourchanbedead.ytmnd.com/
[00:20] <Neon_Tiger> I know, it what is saved you from me using my new Anti-Jesus spam technique.
[00:20] <Neon_Tiger> Or possibly, Anti-Anti-Jesus Spam Technique,
[00:20] <Ya-San|Away> HOLY SHET
[00:20] <Neon_Tiger> Dunno which it will be yet.
[00:20] <Ya-San|Away> FOR REAL
[00:20] <Jesuszilla> YES!
[00:20] <Neon_Tiger> Most likely a leet haxor.
[00:21] <Jesuszilla> I must find him
[00:21] <Jesuszilla> So I may throw him a rose.
[00:21] <Ya-San|Away> LOL
[00:21] <Jesuszilla> Whoever did this has infinite respect from me.
[00:22] <Jesuszilla> Now I ain't sayin' she a golddigga... But we ain't messin' wit no bro-broke!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Now I ain't sayin' she a golddigga... But we ain't messin' wit no bro-broke!
[00:23] <Neon_Tiger> The Type Moon fan also said yay, something about him still having Koichan.
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> YEAAAAAH!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> SHE GIVE ME MONEY!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> WHEN I'M IN NEEEEEED!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> SHE GIVE ME MONEY!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> WHEN I'M IN NEEEEEED!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> When I'm in NEEEEED!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> When I'm in NEEEEED!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> When I'm in NEEEEED!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> When I'm in NEEEEED!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> Ge' down girl, go he' get down!
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> YEAAAAAH!
[00:23] <Neon_Tiger> ...
[00:23] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Ya-San|Away (Ya-San|Away)
[00:23] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[00:23] <Jesuszilla> SHE GIVE ME MONEY!
[00:23] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[00:24] <Neon_Tiger> http://neontriger.free.fr/images/forjesuszilla.jpg
[00:24] <Jesuszilla> KILL HER
[00:24] <Jesuszilla> KILL IT
[00:24] <Neon_Tiger> May it burn into your eyes.
[00:24] <Jesuszilla> God, that was worse than bugface....
[00:25] <Ya-San|Away> ....
[00:25] <Neon_Tiger> You can thank the Type Moon guy. He gave me that to use on you.
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> Oh FUCK YOU.
[00:25] <Jesuszilla> But 4chan dead...
[00:25] * Jesuszilla was kicked by Neon_Tiger (Oopsie you said something you shouldn't have. Ban will be automatically removed in 2 minutes. 4chan)
[00:25] * Neon_Tiger sets mode: +b *!*@14055b16.6ca5eca1.24.32.imsk
[00:26] * ChanServ sets mode: -b *!*@14055b16.6ca5eca1.24.32.imsk
[00:26] <Ya-San|Away> ...
[00:26] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[00:26] <Neon_Tiger> Odd.
[00:26] <Ya-San|Away> LOOOOOOOOOL
[00:26] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[00:26] <Neon_Tiger> OMG BAN HAX.
[00:26] * Jesuszilla has quit IRC (Quit: I must've drank me about 15 Dr. Peppers.)
[00:27] <Ya-San|Away> FUCKING BEEPS
[00:27] <Neon_Tiger> Beeps?
[00:28] <Ya-San|Away> mIRC.
[00:28] <Neon_Tiger> Ah.
[00:30] <Ya-San|Away> I just love scripts.
[00:31] <Ya-San|Away> I applied the palette to my Sparks in 1 minute.
[00:32] <Neon_Tiger> Hax/
[00:32] <Ya-San|Away> I should apply that nomusic effect on K.O.
[00:32] <Ya-San|Away> Not to be confused with Ahuron's
[00:33] <Ya-San|Away> Since Ahuron's applies in EVERY FUCKING ROUND.
[00:33] <Neon_Tiger> Ah.
[00:35] * Jesuszilla has joined #badassstuff
[00:36] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Jesuszilla
[00:36] <Jesuszilla> It's on the HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHWAY TO HELL!!
[00:36] <Neon_Tiger> Welcome back and STUFF.
[00:37] <Jesuszilla> Goodbye chan with a 4. May you be burned, buried, and forgotten like E.T. the game!
[00:38] <Neon_Tiger> They'll probably fix it in time.
[00:39] <Jesuszilla> Come on Neon! Celebrate! You know you hate it more than I!
[00:40] <Neon_Tiger> I have been informed by the Type Moon fan it has been fixed.
[00:40] <Neon_Tiger> And he's going to look for Tsukihime hentai, apparently.

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[01:36] <Jesuszilla> The ribs were good, but when I got home, just... Damn...
[01:36] <Neon_Tiger> I just realized something.
[01:36] <Jesuszilla> What?
[01:36] <Neon_Tiger> I have a screenshot in my WMSGHW with a Melty Blood character in it.
[01:36] <Neon_Tiger> How they hell did I not notice that?
[01:37] <Ya-San> .
[01:37] <Jesuszilla> Hahahahahahahahaa
[01:37] <Jesuszilla> And most of Vans's screens have MB lifebars
[01:37] <Neon_Tiger> http://neontriger.free.fr/images/MUGEN/wmsghw/getoverhere.gif
[01:38] <Jesuszilla> YOu were USING her
[01:38] <Jesuszilla> WHAT THE FUCK
[01:39] <Ya-San> OMG NEON
[01:39] <Neon_Tiger> Thats like oh... 2 years old I think.
[01:39] <Ya-San> I SAID
[01:39] <Ya-San> OMG NEON
[01:40] <Neon_Tiger> It was way before my quest to destroy Type Moon.
[01:40] <Neon_Tiger> But that does not change the fact I must delete it.
[01:40] <Jesuszilla> But I THOUGHT YOU HATED ANIME
[01:41] <Neon_Tiger> I do.
[01:41] <Neon_Tiger> That must of been before that too, but it is a non factor, the image will go.
[01:41] <Neon_Tiger> To image hell.
[01:42] <Neon_Tiger> And no, not 4chan, it's going into non-existance.
[01:42] <Ya-San> Neon liked Type Moon. :O
[01:43] <Neon_Tiger> No, if I recall I downloaded it for another member of MAS.
[01:43] <Neon_Tiger> ...
[01:44] <Neon_Tiger> Why do I keep downloading Type Moon things for people?

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[20:23] <Neon_Tiger> My head hurts. I blame Type Moon, they're responsible somehow.
[20:24] <Vans|Busy> lol

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[20:55] <Neon_Tiger> I blame Type Moon.
[20:56] <Jesuszilla> Dot dot dot
[20:56] <Vans|Busy> Dude.
[20:56] <Jesuszilla> Wait
[20:56] <Jesuszilla> Shoop da whoo- what the fuck was that.
[20:56] <Vans|Busy> ?
[20:57] * Vans|Busy changes topic to 'TYPE MOON OWNS THIS CHANNEL'
[20:57] * Retrieving #badassSTUFF modes...
[20:57] * Neon_Tiger changes topic to 'No, it does not.'

Quote from: #badassSTUFF[00:46] <Neon_Tiger> The best insult I've heard at college is:
[00:46] <Neon_Tiger> You fucking weirdo with all the Type Moon hentai.
[00:46] <Vans> LOL
[00:46] <Jesuszilla> LOL
[00:46] <Neon_Tiger> Needless to say the person who said is one of my better friends.
[00:46] <Jesuszilla> Does he have MSN, AIM, etc?
[00:46] <Jesuszilla> I want an Arcueid fix.

It should be noted he now has MSN Messenger and a convo I had with him is in the Quote topic.


Quote[23:50] <Neon_Tiger> And he is my superior and could kick me off floor for looking at his Type Moon dolls funny if he wanted.
[23:50] <Neon_Tiger> So I must decline.
[23:51] <Jesuszilla> He has... Type... Moon...
[23:51] <Jesuszilla> That's too fucking far.
[23:52] <Jesuszilla> And believe me, Felicia : Me > Peach : Hoshi
[23:52] <Neon_Tiger> He's got one Arcueid, sans upper clothing, and as such usually has a post it note on it.
[23:52] <Jesuszilla> Hahahahahahaha
[23:53] <Jesuszilla> That's gotta be included in the topic.
[23:53] <Jesuszilla> Lemme guess, he puts the sticky part on her tits?
[23:53] <Neon_Tiger> Yup.
[23:54] <Jesuszilla> LOL

Posted on: July 19, 2006, 11:54:47 PM

This topic just made history.

Just try to keep things peaceful.


TMF was the driving force for the creation of "This thread is NSFW (among other things)."


You're just mad I beat you in Bomberman 5.


Just try to keep things peaceful.



Just try to keep things peaceful.


March 11, 2007, 05:39:55 PM #10 Last Edit: March 20, 2007, 02:04:53 PM by The Justice
... that's not the type of Quote Pyramid we were talking about.


That's what PM's are for, and god that is a disturbing avatar.


Just try to keep things peaceful.



PM that + moar Ingrid + moar Arcueid.

Just try to keep things peaceful.